Ways To Boost Your Child’s Immunity
As heartbreaking as it is, every parent understands that colds and flu are a part and parcel of every child’s experience. It doesn’t help that we all enter the world with ‘novice’ immune systems that have to ‘learn on the job’. This implies that for children, getting sick is simply a part of their immunity’s learning curve.
Each time a child battles germs, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms, his/her immunity is becoming primed and better ‘experienced’ on how to handle future attacks.
Although these incidents cannot be avoided, here are some steps you can take to boost your child’s immunity and reduce the frequency of sick days they experience:
1. Serve them lots of fruits and vegetables. Carrots, oranges, green beans, and tomatoes contain immunity-boosting phytonutrients known as Carotenoids. Phytonutrients may increase the body’s production of infection-fighting white blood cells and interferon which block out viruses. Studies show that diets that are rich in phytonutrients can also protect against such chronic diseases as cancer and heart disease in adulthood. Make fruits and vegetables a steady addition to your child’s plate.
2. Let them get adequate sleep time. Studies show that lack of adequate sleep time can lower immunity by reducing natural killer cells thus leaving the body vulnerable to attacks. In children, this can have severe consequences that could be as fatal as irritability, increased stress, forgetfulness, difficulties with learning, and low motivation. Over time, it can contribute to anxiety and depression. Children in daycare are particularly at risk for sleep deprivation because all the activities can make it difficult for them to nap. How much sleep do kids need? An infant may need up to 16 hours of crib time a day, toddlers require 11 to 14 hours, and preschoolers need 10 to 13 hours. “If your child can’t or won’t take naps during the day, try to put her to bed earlier,” says Dr. Kemper.
3. Give your child Milk. Depending on your child’s age, give them age-appropriate milk. Milk is an excellent source of immunity-boosting vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Zinc, and thiamine (B1). It is also a good source of Magnesium, Potassium, B12, Calcium which are under-consumed by many populations and are lacking in many diets. If your child is an infant, breastfeed your baby. Breast milk contains immunity-enhancing antibodies and white blood cells. For an older child, a healthy amount of age-appropriate milk such as Peak 456 Growing Up milk supports the child’s developing immunity.
Peak 456 milk is extra fortified with DHA and immune-supportive nutrients like Vitamin A, D, E and C, Zinc, Selenium, and Manganese to strengthen your child’s natural resistance to diseases and support their immunity.